Walk with Walgreens
Walk with Walgreens is an ongoing, equity-building, wellness program that builds consumer engagement and participation by making the act of walking simple, easy and rewarding. Millions of Americans turn to Walgreens to help manage their health conditions, many of which can be improved by walking daily.

Users would register on the Walk with Walgreens website and track their steps. The more steps they take the more rewards they will earn from Walgreens. The site is hosted by Alison Sweeney from TV’s “The Biggest Loser” with new video content every week providing encouragement and health tips to stay fit.
Video demo of the website.
Press coverage of Launch Event in NY Times Square
The program had tremendous PR coverage and especially during launch especially by hosting a group walk event in times square at the flagship Walgreens store. At the end of 2011, there were 3.75B steps logged.
The Walk with Walgreens program earned 2 International Effie Awards. 
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